My Services

Pranic Healing Session

An initial healing session lasts approximately an hour and a half.    Subsequent sessions are usually an hour long.  Pranic Healing is a no touch therapy.  The practitioner’s hands are not placed on the body but are used to energetically sweep and clean the energy field around the client.  During a session clients are seated in a chair and have remarked of feelings of relaxation, tingling, calmness, feeling lighter and pain relief, to note a few.


Pranic Psychotherapy

Pranic Healing sessions specifically for emotional and psychological issues. By removing the traumatic energy stuck in the chakras, anxiety, addiction, grief, depression, PTSD, phobias and stress are some issues Pranic Psychotherapy can alleviate.




Distant Healing Session

Healing sessions that take place remotely or at a distance are possible when working with energy.  An energetic connection is formed between the practitioner and client, usually by viewing a photo of the client, and the healing is performed at a distance.   You can be seated comfortably in your home and the practitioner will perform the same process as an in-person healing.  I have performed distant healing sessions between cities, states and countries.

Instantaneous Healing of a Fresh Wound

My daughter skinned her knee around noon on June 24th.  I started the

Pranic Healing® protocol, “Instantaneous Healing of a Fresh Wound” at 12:43pm.


  • Pranic Healing® practitioners are not licensed physicians or surgeons – unless they have already learned Pranic Healing® after receiving an MD degree.
  • Pranic Healing® treatments are not licensed by any state.  They are complimentary to any state-licensed healing practices or services.
  • Pranic Healing® is a highly developed system of energy based healing techniques that utilizes prana to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy system by cleansing, energizing and balancing the body’s bio-electromagnetic field, or aura.
  • Pranic Healing® practitioners do not physically touch the client’s body, diagnose diseases, prescribe any drugs/substances or make any health claims or guarantee any outcomes.

Carrie VIVIANO | Copyright © 2016 | | (586) 943-4404


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