We’ve all heard never trust a person who says, trust me! If they have to say that they’re attempting to convince you and, to a great extent, convince themselves of some tall tale they’re telling. Here are some other cautionary phrases you might want to question.
Never trust a person who says, I’m not trying to give you a hard time or I’m not trying to pick a fight, because that’s exactly what they’re doing. If they’re not trying to do something what are they doing then?
When people say I’m trying, it means they aren’t doing. People shouldn’t have to try to do anything. They should either do it or not. There’s no trying. It’s just a way for them to either convince you that their behavior should be accepted or make themself feel ok with what they’re doing or saying. They’re looking to justify their behavior and make themselves not feel guilty for being a bully or pushing their agenda.
Never trust a person who repeatedly wants to persuade you. Never trust a person who repeatedly tells you that you’re wrong.
Narcissists are relentless. They will push their agenda or continue to convince you of their righteous behavior or how right they are in their actions especially by telling you how wrong you are.
Narcissists never accept responsibility. They always think they are right and you are wrong. They are relentless in this thinking because it’s a huge blow to their ego to think they are wrong or made a mistake. They are too fragile and insecure to accept that.
The underlying motivation of narcissistic behavior is insecurity and the need for acceptance. Their behavior and speech is fueled by the opposite of what they desperately attempt to portray. They wish to present themselves as self-assured, in-control, righteous individuals but they are truly insecure, wounded bullys who are afraid to look within and learn. So they resort to protective behavior which is outwardly damaging to their targets.
All of these dialog tactics are manipulations (I’m not trying to give you a hard time; You did it wrong; You are wrong; Trust me and wanting to convince). These are all ways to manipulate a situation. To place blame on the other person and divert the attention off them. To point the finger externally, rather than at themself. And ultimately a way for the narcissist to feel superior. Because the opposite of this behavior takes a strong person who is willing to learn and grow. A courageous person who is willing to accept responsibility for their words and actions. A person who realizes they are not a reflection of their past mistakes, but a testimony of their growth, from their past mistakes.